Amer Kaissi is a sports fanatic,
a hummus addict, and a funny professor. He blends thorough research with practical examples to help audiences transform their mindsets and lead more effectively in times of change.

“A magnificent blend of humor, intellect, research, passion, and call to action.”

Assistant Head of School & Head of Middle School
The Kinkaid School

“A Grand Slam! Wonderful!
Truly Inspirational!”

Morris Hospital & Healthcare Centers

“Insightful, encouraging,
motivating, memorable!”


Amer-Kaissi -- Banner Image

Session Descriptions

Session 1

Humbitious Leadership
in Times of Change:

How to Connect with Humility & Elevate with Ambition

In today’s dynamic business landscape, improving employee engagement and sparking their innovation and creativity is an uphill battle for most leaders. In this session, Amer shows that leaders who have the confidence to make hard decisions in uncertain environments and the humility to admit mistakes, can better connect with their team members, while empowering them to integrate novel ideas into how they solve problems. Building on the latest research evidence and his experience as a coach with high-level executives, he makes a convincing argument that humbitious leadership is the best way to lead for the future.

In this transformative talk, leaders will be able to immediately implement proven strategies to:

  • Discover the power of self-awareness, open-mindedness and appreciation
  • Develop leadership skills and behaviors that balance humility with ambition
  • Build humbitious cultures where turnover is minimal; teams are highly engaged; and innovation is sparked

Available as a keynote, half-day workshop or full-day workshop.


Session 2

Shattering Resilience Myths in Leadership:

Key Behaviors for Self-Care and Caring for Others

In today’s challenging work environment, organizations and leaders face serious stressors resulting in burnout and chronic fatigue. Amer argues that leaders have the ability to influence and impact their team’s and organization’s resilience & engagement. But in order to do that, they have to build and maintain their own self-resilience first. Drawing on the latest research and compelling case studies from his coaching practices, he shares a practical model of resilience focusing on the importance of realistic optimism; compassion; and gratitude on the one hand, and self-care behaviors such as short reflections; strategic breaks and calendar triage on the other.

In this transformative talk, leaders will be able to immediately implement proven strategies to:

  • Discover the power of realistic optimism; compassion; and gratitude
  • Develop leadership skills and behaviors that balance self-care with caring for others
  • Build resilient cultures where burnout is reduced and teams are highly engaged

Available as a keynote, half-day workshop or full-day workshop.


Session Descriptions

Session 3

Is Your Team as Effective as Kindergartners?

How Leaders Create a Culture of Psychological Safety & Accountability

Amidst the unrelenting organizational changes, leaders may hesitate to hold their team members accountable for fear of driving them over the edge. They default to “comfort cultures” where low performance is tolerated and difficult conversations are avoided. Amer argues that the best leaders are those that balance psychologically safe cultures where team members can speak up and contribute, with accountability systems where high performers thrive. Drawing on the latest research and examples from his coaching practices, he shares how leaders can build and maintain psychological safety while having necessary difficult conversations.

In this transformative talk, leaders will be able to immediately implement proven strategies to:

  • Discover the power of psychological safety and open-mindedness
  • Develop leadership skills and behaviors to have necessary difficult conversations
  • Build learning cultures where mistakes are not covered and teams are challenged to achieve high performance

Available as a keynote, half-day workshop or full-day workshop.


Session 4

How Leaders Can Build a Culture of Kindness & Accountability

Many people mistakenly believe that kindness doesn’t have a place at work, and they think that kind leaders & employees are weak, non-confrontational and non-accountable. Amer argues, based on research evidence and case studies, that when compassion and kindness are combined with strength and accountability, leaders can maximize their performance individually, for their teams and for their organizations. Supported by real-life examples, Amer shares specific take-home behaviors on applying kindness and accountability in everyday leadership situations.

Amer Kaissi
Amer Kaissi -- speaker-intro

Speaker Intro

Amer Kaissi (“Ah-mer Ky-See”) is an-award winning Professor of Healthcare Administration at Trinity University in Texas. He teaches Leadership and Public Speaking.

He is also an executive coach and author of three books. His most recent book is “Humbitious: the power of low ego, high-drive leadership.”

He has spoken on leadership topics at more than 250 organizations and professional conferences.

He tries to read at least 65 books every year. He is an avid soccer fan, he loves to run, cook and listen to 90’s music very loud in his car. He enjoys a good cappuccino, but his biggest weakness is McDonald’s French fries.

He lives in San Antonio with his wife and two teenagers. He was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon.


Written Bio

Amer Kaissi is an-award winning Professor of Leadership. He is an executive coach that has worked with hundreds of leaders and teams all over the world. Amer is the author of three books. His most recent book is “Humbitious: the power of low-ego, high-drive leadership.” He has been featured on the Harvard Business Review podcast and numerous other media outlets. He has spoken on leadership topics at more than 250 organizations and professional conferences. He lives in San Antonio with his wife and two teenagers.


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